Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Application on the Web

The vendor application is available as a pdf or on the web here.

My new computer came with Open Office instead of Microsoft Word, and I've found that some people I send documents to aren't able to open the .odt items (anyone else have this problem?)  AND, when OO gives you the option to save as a Word document, it's all gobbeldy-gook.

SO, I thought I would try Google docs, and although the format is different than the pdf, it's all the same information, and should be easy to print out.  Let me know how that works for you.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Vendor Call Out

The snow is gone!  Yippee!

So, Sunday we put on our boots and slogged through the mud to measure out booth spaces in the barns.

And today, we're ready to send out vendor applications!

The Hen and Chicks Barn Market, like most barn sales, will be a juried event, which means that vendors for the market will be selected according to what goods they are presenting -- while we love crafts, we are primarily looking for antiques, salvaged materials, vintage goods and handmade items which are in keeping with the current vintage market.  We want to share unique, high-quality items and beautiful displays with those who come to shop at the farm.

There are 40 spots inside the barns on the farm:

Chicken House:  15- 10'x10' (100 sq. ft.) booth spaces; concrete floor
Tool Shed:  3-10'x10' (100 sq. ft.) spaces, 5- 10'x8' (80 sq. ft.) spaces, 1- 7'x19' (133 sq. ft.) space; lime-covered floor
Dairy Barn:  5- 10'x11' (110 sq. ft.) spaces, 5-8'x11' (88. sq. ft.) spaces, 3-6'x17' (102 sq. ft.) spaces; lime-covered floor
Corn Crib:  3- 12'x7' (84 sq, ft,) spaces; lime-covered floor

80-88 sq. ft - $65
100-110 sq. ft - $75
133 sq. ft - $85

The barns will have some lighting, but additional electrical access is $10.

We also have some space available for vendors with mobile boutiques or their own tents for $65 -- perfect for farmers, bee keepers, wineries --  just ask!

If you are interested in being a vendor, or know someone who is, let us know and we'll send them an application ASAP!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Who Are We?

Conversation on the way home from The Chandelier Barn Market last fall:

G:  You know, Jenny, your farm would be the perfect place for a barn market.
J:  You know, Georgie, I was thinking the same thing.  Do you think we could do it?
G:  We?
J:  Yes!  Be my partner.

And thus, the idea of the Hen and Chicks Barn Market was born!

We're farm girls (well, I used to be a farm girl) who love all the things we have seen at barn sales and markets -- antiques, salvaged items, inspirational signs, handmade soaps and jewelry. Jenny especially loves old toys and games; I love linens and dishes.  We both love anything farmy, from chicken feeders to tractor parts.  We love to go on antiquing trips, but we're not dealers -- all the stuff we buy is for our homes (or gifts for friends who share our love of old junk) -- thank goodness we're both married to great guys who usually approve of our purchases without too much head shaking.  (And, who are both behind this adventure 100%!)

We became friends many years ago through the Market Day program -- Jenny was our Market Day rep, and I was a volunteer at St. Ambrose School.  Our friendship grew as Jenny went back to college and I helped her with her English course and then proofread her papers for advanced classes.  Jenny works as a physical therapy assistant, and I'm working on writing a novel .... but that's another story!

We're both moms of three children (I'm older and have 6 grandchildren, as well!)  We both love dogs, gardening, quilting, baking and canning.
But mostly, we love to laugh and have a great time together.
We're looking forward to more laughs, more great times and more fun as we plow forward toward our dream -- join us!


Friday, March 6, 2015

What Is A Barn Market?

A barn market is a gathering.

A gathering of makers, gatherers, crafters, salvagers.

A gathering of people who love old things.
(And people who love new things that look old, and new things that compliment their old things!)

A gathering of people who cherish the past, and decorate their homes with things that remind them of their parents and their grandparents.  Things that remind them of childhood -- school, camping, play, or farm life.  Things that make them happy and bring comfort and peace home.

The growing popularity of barn markets probably began in the South -- if I would guess, I might say Tennessee, for the number of markets held in that state each year (click here for a listing of upcoming markets.)  There are many in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, as well, and an incredibly popular market is held several times a year in Danville, Illinois -- the Hob Nob Market.  (We're going in May -- come with us!)

We were inspired to bring a market to Jackson County after visiting The Chandelier Barn Market in Montgomery, Indiana last fall.  They did everything just right, from the vendors, parking, location, and entertainment right down to the beautiful autumn day!  Lisa has given us all kinds of good advice, and we are thankful for her help.

Follow this blog to learn more about our journey toward making the Hen and Chicks Barn Market a wonderful gathering.
